As yet Acupuncture does not have statutory state regulated status like other healthcare professions. The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) is therefore the main regulatory body for acupuncture in the UK. All members of the BAcC carry the letters MBAcC after their name. This can offer you the following assurances:
BSc or BA degree level training or its equivalent in traditional acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and western biomedical sciences including anatomy, physiology and pathology (3,600 hours of study)
Compliance with current UK health and safety legislation
Full medical malpractice and public/products liability insurance cover
Expert practice skills maintained by following a mandatory individual programme of continuing professional development (CPD)
Regular updates from the BAcC regarding practitioners’ professional obligations to the public
Compliance with BAcC Code of Safe Practice and Code of Professional Conduct
Patient access to the BAcC complaints and disciplinary procedures
Current approval by the National Blood Service to issue certificates to patients who want to give blood
English language skills at least equivalent to those required of doctors and nurses working in the UK
For further information about The BAcC ask Jennie or visit:
“Jennie is very knowledgeable and experienced and she gets me … all of that together has changed so much more about my health that I ever thought possible when I first got in touch …”
— Jon (Forest of Dean)