How does it work?

Traditional Acupuncture as practised by a member of the British Acupuncture Council is a holistic system of medicine based on over 3000 years of development and refinement in the Far East.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, in addition to blood vessels and nerves there are other channels or meridians through which energy (chi pronounced chee) flows throughout the body. If this energy flows freely the body, mind and emotions are all healthy. When this freeflow of energy becomes blocked or stagnates it gives rise to the whole range of symptoms that we recognise as pain, illness and emotional imbalance.

Through the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body Acupuncture aims to restore health, reduce pain and improve well-being. The needles used are nothing at all like those we have all experienced when having blood taken or being immunised; they are only slightly thicker than a human hair.

Traditional Acupuncture is an incredibly gentle and safe treatment that many find incredibly relaxing. This means that Acupuncture is suitable for children of all ages as well as older people.

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